Just Risers

Halfway through the trout off-season, then mate and fellow RiverFly 1864 guide Peter Broomhall throws up a couple of minutes footage of brown trout rising to naturals on Tasmanian streams. Sounds simple enough, but in reality, all this vision does is offer the viewer a painstaking perspective of what lies ahead. It’s like dangling a…

The After-Work Session

How golden is the after-work session? There’s no greater feeling than shedding the work attire and slipping into some wading boots. It’s like Clark Kent stepping out of the phone booth, only this time he’s free-balling. It’s like picking up the phone to hear the voice of a good mate, except this time, you’ve made…

Drain Brain

It’s your day off work and you’ve been awaiting its arrival, pondering thoughts of blue-sky days, huge hatches and chubby trout. Reality closes in and as soon as you awake from your slumber, the cold front arrives before the coffee is even brewed. A quick trawl of Internet-weather forecasts worsens your enthusiasm – howling winds,…

The Holiday is Over…

There comes a time when you simply have to accept, that the holiday is over. No longer will you be side-casting under the overhang of a myrtle tree, as the deafening sound of the cicada echoes through the eucalypts above. Gone is the sweet tempo of the headwater creek, gently tumbling its way off the…

Fish of a Lifetime

It suddenly dawned on me, that while I have basically whored a couple (of hundred) images around the internet, I’m yet to share my story here on the biggest, wildest and most badass brown trout that I’ve ever had the pleasure of tangling with… In fact, the whole story starts on the internet. Well, social media…

Season Opener – 2016/17

After much anticipation, the doors of the new trout season are open to those willing to tangle with a wily Tasmanian brown trout. An unprecedented amount of rain has fallen in almost every corner of Australia’s fly-fishing capital, with some regions witnessing the wettest three months since records began. Some thirty-five bridges were either damaged…

2015/16 Season Highlights

Every season, things happen from a piscatorial perspective that kind of tickle my fancy. It might be a memorable fish, a new water, amazing wilderness, fishing with someone I’ve never fished with before, or even just a day on the water when someone falls over and eats shit. Either way, every mission offers something that…


For the last few years, I had pretty much neglected a present from my wife; one of cheapest lenses Canon manufacture – a 50mm 1.8f lens costing a grand total of around $140 at the time. While it was cool at first, it was a little slow to auto-focus and just felt a little plastic…

The Holiday Hook-up

The typical holiday period in Australia is a time that many savour. Annual leave passes are banked up throughout the year and pennies are stashed away to save up for that relaxing getaway, trip of a lifetime or some well-needed family catch-up. While holiday-makers on the other side of the globe are donning their gloves…

Wild and Untamed

Year after year, season after season, a desire to explore the wilderness beckons. Round the next bend, over the furthest hill. While somewhat content with the small windows of opportunity to fish, some missions require more consideration with a time-slot allocated in advance. Not necessarily miles away from human activity, but somewhere lesser-known or a…